How to get in contact with us
Allgemeines Syndikat FAU Leipzig
Breite Str. 4
04317 Leipzig
E-Mail: kontakt.leipzig[at]
? PGP Key
If you want to send us an encrypted mail, you’ll find our public key here:
The fingerprint is:
0B93 0251 5312 5A07 A327 9E75 6B19 9389 7D8E 1E12
Bank details:
Account holder: Allgemeines Syndikat Leipzig IBAN: DE62 8605 5592 1090 1921 81
Regular events and counseling:
- Open meeting every 2nd and 4th Monday, 21:00 at Breite Straße 4.
- General union counseling on request by mail to beratung.leipzig[at] or by phone. Please mention if you prefer for the counseling to take place in another language than German so that we can prepare ourselves and/or determine if we’re going to need external translators.
- Counseling on discrimination and sexism at work – contact us at agfem.leipzig[at] Most of the time we can offer counseling in German, English, Arabic and Russian.
Press section:
Requests and registration for our press mailing list: Write to presse.leipzig[at]
Provider identification pursuant to § 5 TMG and § 55 RStV:
Person responsible for content: Marco Bras dos Santos
Allgemeines Syndikat FAU Leipzig
Breite Straße 4
04317 Leipzig
Phone: (+49) 0178/149 4224
E-Mail: kontakt.leipzig[ät]